12:35 PM 11/26/2014 update projects, gulmencoder 3.
7.7.2014	moved to dropbox + tk.

11:41 AM 6/28/2012	added: projects page, small edit on links page.
5:13 PM 6/24/2012	update: howto: portable/py2exe python
1:27 PM 5/27/2012	update: links, index, freeware
8:13 AM 3/19/2012	update: howto (android)
11:16 AM 2/21/2012	update: howto (youtube download, convert to mp3)
8:18 PM 2/5/2012	update: howto (pdf image to txt), howto life (natural shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste)
11:05 AM 1/29/2012	how to, braindump, update
4:49 PM 1/17/2012	how to update. add qt, portable eclipse, netbeans.
9:31 PM 1/5/2012	how to life (how to cure cancer)
			how to updated (many)
4:23 AM 12/31/2011	howto life updated: kiss, sex.
11:57 AM 12/4/2011	howto updated: how to flash ati 3870
2:34 PM 11/17/2011	freeware (office), links updated
11:12 AM 11/8/2011	howto life, braindump uploaded
11:54 AM 10/27/2011	links updated
10:32 AM 10/19/2011	links, howto life, brain dump updated
1:40 PM 10/14/2011	howto updated (office 2007 skip pagination of first few pages)
11:43 AM 10/7/2011	howto, brain dump updated
6:39 PM 10/2/2011	howto life, brain dump, links, updated.
1:47 PM 10/1/2011	freeware page updated
10:57 AM 9/24/2011	howto life, freeware list, brain dump, links, updated.
2:58 PM 9/14/2011	howto life updated, brain dump updated
11:54 AM 9/12/2011	howto life updated.
7:16 PM 9/10/2011	howto life updated.
2:06 PM 9/9/2011	links updated, howto life updated.
1:59 PM 9/7/2011	added how to convert pdf to text with text reflow.
10:25 AM 8/25/2011	"how to" updated, open libre office, connect writer with odb file, mail merge.
10:25 PM 8/23/2011	"how to life" updated (how to cure cancer).
8:49 PM 8/21/2011	"how to life" updated (how to cure cancer).
8:01 PM 6/25/2011	"how to life" updated
5:12 PM 6/23/2011	"how to life" updated
8:38 PM 6/12/2011	"how to life" updated
6:53 PM 6/5/2011	added "how to life" section.
			brain dump section updated.
2:21 PM 6/5/2011	freeware page updated: gimpshop, desktopok
2:43 PM 5/31/2011	links updated: evolve, cure for cancer link added.
8:24 AM 5/29/2011	freeware page updated: mmorpg games
3:48 PM 5/8/2011	freeware page updated. (oscar, examdiff, winscp, filezilla), index page updated, brain dump page updated
3:56 PM 2/7/2011	freeware page updated.
1:05 PM 12/12/2010 	freeware page updated: added pirates of the burning sea, moved ooffice to libre office.

12:15 PM 11/7/2010 freeware section updated: The Lord of the Rings Online

1:56 PM 10/25/2010
links updated

11:02 AM 10/23/2010
freeware section updated: comicbook readers

10:31 AM 10/21/2010
freeware section updated: lazarus
links updated

2:16 PM 10/6/2010
freeware section updated: eye defender

11:04 AM 9/9/2010
freeware section updated (audio, books)

3:01 PM 8/16/2010
brain_dump sectin added,links updated

5:23 PM 8/14/2010
freeware list,links updated

9:42 AM 7/22/2010
freeware, links, updated

world programs update page.

reorganize favorites page.

added qt to usefull programs list, removed other free c++ toolkits links.

howto page edited.

Altavista translate replaced with google translate

updated world programs (programs and sites) page. Internet services links, dvd2divx.

updated world programs (programs and sites) page. links for comics, net bandwith meter.

updated world programs (programs and sites) page. links for programming, books.

updated world programs (programs and sites) page. imgburn added.

updated world programs (programs and sites) page.

Site redesign.

Added howtos. Just under programs part.