work, home

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tags: home work

When woman comes home from work, it is expected of her to wash the clothes for the whole family (put it in the machine, and take to out),
prepare meals (breakfast, lunch and supper), wash the dishes afterwards, keep the house clean, dust of the house, vacuum the carpets, take care of the kids,
get supplies from the store, occasionally make cookies, organize children's activities (dance, ballet, football).
Seems like never ending stream of duties. How do woman do this? Maybe because of love? Maybe because it has to be done?

When man comes home from nothing is expected of him. Maybe paycheck. He expects to have some peace and quiet, so he can to rest.
And dinner on the table.

Perhaps man should ask a woman "What can I do to help you? To make it easier on you"

Now, in perfect world, man would not ask. He would simply start working. But men don't really know what to do, so they ask.
Ladies, please don't think: "If he has to ask, it means he does not WANT to help, but is asking because he thinks he has to, and does not really want to help.".

Men are much more simple than that.
Men are simple beast